Let me start of by saying how PROUD I am of my favorite actress Angela Basset because for those that don’t know she received her star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame! Yes the actress best known for her role in the film version of Terry McMillan’s How Stella Got Her Groove Back to her phenomenal roles as Tina Turner in What’s Love Got To Do With It!
A loving wife mother actress mentor and friend Angela has it all and her star has just began to shine!
Well this couldn’t have come at a better time because her new role in Tyler Perry’s Meet The Browns is getting rave reviews and like everything Tyler touches it turns to GOLD because it’s a box office SMASH!
Congratulations Angela and as I always say
To paraphrase Ice Cube, Thursday was a good day for actress Angela Bassett. But, it didn’t start out that way for her.
“Do you ever have one of those days? I woke up and the sun wasn’t really shining but then it burst through the clouds and it was glorious. Hallelujah!” Bassett spoke those words to the crowd gathered to watch her accept her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
At the ceremony, the Yale University trained and Oscar nominated actress was joined by her husband Courtney B. Vance, their children and guests Forest Whitaker, Laurence Fishburne and Rick Fox, her co-star in the new film “Meet the Browns.”
“You get a lot of no’s in this business and you have to have that desire and determination which is what Angela has,” Fishburne shared.
Whitaker said that Bassett was “a powerful artist, a beautiful person, a mother, a wife, a friend who illuminates my life.” http://www.eurweb.com/story/eur41950.cfm
I am pretty sure a lot of you read that garbage in the New York Post thanks to Stacey Brown and another associate but I want to take the time to clear the air once and for all okay? The Jackson family is not in any deep funk and I usually don’t respond to such nonsense because it gives what these trolls wanted all along! More hits or attention but this time Stacey Brown has gone too far. Stacy being an adult and associating yourself among Jehovah’s Witnesses I think it’s about time you come to grips with reality and start telling the truth before you make an attempt to spread the TRUTH which is printed in the Scriptures.
Now Mr. Brown do you not remember the scripture about not letting a rotten thing come out of your mouth?Do you not know Jehovah’s views on Gossip and Lies? Now if readers had common sense they would notice that out of all the Jackson family you went on the attack after the Jackson men and not the women and I guess you want an applause. Or you would like kudos for that but Stacey you are a COWARD!But with a feminine name why am I not surprised you playing the role of female jilted lover?
First of all Stacy you need to get your facts straight, you were never a friend of Michael you were only a friend of Rebbie Jackson.You have had no comment since you were dismissed and that was during the trial. See you should have thought twice before you went on and decided to write a book which in my opinion was the most ignorant and poorly written effort to bash Michael and his family that I have ever seen.
Personally Mr. Brown, whatever issues you and the Jackson’s have amongst each other you would think you would be a MAN and handle that face to face. No like a little girl you decide to take money because The New York Post is a tabloid and you go and gossip out of anger, bitterness, stupidity, or all of the above. Now remember after you wrote that book and took jabs at Michael how you claim a fan left you threats? Now what makes you think anybody believes you? The reporters on CourtTV laughed in your face when you were discussing or describing you ordeal Mr. Brown. What tickles me is that you didn’t have the nerve to confront either of the Jackson men to their face! You scoffed and laughed at Jermaine after her confronted you when you claimed he yelled at you about betraying the family.
You made a snide remark saying he came at you like Marlon Brando’s character in the Godfather. Yet you only have the BALLS to insult them in print and not to their face!Ladies and gentlemen let me show you the face of a COWARD!
So readers out there with a brain, it’s called CHECKING YOUR FACTS that is what RESPECTABLE Journalist do they check their facts not make fools of themselves.But you know what readers this man made fools out of many of you and INSULTED your intelligence.
Stacey must have personally thought only Michael Jackson fans would have caught on and think readers are too stupid to check out his credibility. He thinks oh well I was around the family before anything I say about the family has got to be true readers are too lazy or ignorant to go and check it out. See they believe anything in the press about the Jackson’s and I mean ANYTHING. Why?Because it’s only credible when it’s negative and juicy.
Yes negative press is out there but there comes a time when this crap has to stop. When I read comments like I blame Joe Jackson I want so seriously throw a book at somebody to make them read.
If the Jackson family was that bad off where is the proof? Where are the tax returns? If Michael Jackson was that broke why hasn’t he declared bankruptcy?WHY wasn’t he on the list of those not paying their taxes? How can he manage to keep Uncle Sam’s pockets full and on time if he is broke?
PEOPLE USE YOUR COMMON SENSE! Explain HOW can he be broke when every-time you hear your favorite songs on the radio all the songs that are getting mad airplay is putting money in his pockets?Remember the Sony/ATV catalog? Have any of you people have a clue of this man current access or even have a copy of his W2?Stacey STAND UP BE A MAN say it in the Jackson men FACE instead of making a fool of yourself using the press and not bothering to make an about face. Because I’m telling you right now let you would have lied on MY family like that? Trust me brother you don’t want none because it would have been on and popping!
It kills me when one of our own get the crab syndrome it really does and what’s interesting is that every time the family distant themselves from snakes they take the same route by going to the tabloids rehashing nonsense as if they are getting some kind of revenge when they are not making any sense with their ramblings! Readers I want you all to be clear of course you’re going to think I have a bias because yes I am a fan and been a fan for many years; but there comes a time when you get fed up with the crap and you want the truth out there. I am sick to death of blogs eating this up as if it’s a fact.I am sick of this family who I consider the FIRST SUCCESSFUL family of music getting disrespected and dragged through the mud.People praising the Osmond’s but damning the Jackson’s I am going to call people out on it because it’s ridiculous, disrespectful, and I will not tolerate the garbage anymore. BLACK AMERICA I’M TALKING TO YOU!
Those gossip sites and they know who they are!WHEN YOU ARE GOING TO WAKE UP? When are you going to stop HATING ON EACH OTHER? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP THE DIVIDE AND CONQUER?When are you going to stop calling each other names if a celebrity doesn’t want to vote for your choice in the Presidential election? WHEN are you going to stop DISRESPECTING CELEBRITY CHILDREN AND SPOUSES!
BLACK AMERICA you loved them then remember? WHY HATE NOW? What is the problem readers? Why I see the most ignorant comments about a family that entertained us and been apart of our lives for years? Most of the idiots making the comments don’t even remember The Variety Show that showcased the family’s true talents and for the haters saying they blame Joe well it was JOE that made that SHOW possible.The same fools need to check the Youtube hits The Jackson’s Variety Show gets alone!A lot of you haters man you all really need to stop! Probably one of the folks hitting up the links enjoying it.Here is something a lot of TODAY’S artist need to be schooled on!It’s called having TALENT! Anybody can ENTERTAIN but a FEW have TRUE TALENT!
Tell Chris Brown Justin Timberlake and Omarion to TRY THAT! Now readers do your reasearch check your facts and READ before you comment taking liars like Stacey Brown word for truth! Do yourself a favor and for a change QUESTION the authors credibility. Question the SOURCE and do some FACT CHECKING!